The Val Town SQLite val has two methods: execute ↗ and batch ↗. Below are examples of how to use them in Val Town.
import { sqlite } from ""; const data = await sqlite.execute("SELECT datetime();");console.log(data.rows[0]);
import { sqlite } from ""; await sqlite.execute(`create table if not exists kv( key text unique, value text)`);
import { sqlite } from ""; console.log(await sqlite.execute(`select key, value from kv`));
import { sqlite } from ""; await sqlite.execute({ sql: `insert into kv(key, value) values (:key, :value)`, args: { key: "specialkey", value: "specialvalue" },});
import { sqlite } from ""; await sqlite.execute({ sql: `delete from kv where key = :key`, args: { key: "specialkey" },});
import { sqlite } from ""; const charge = 10; export const batchSqlite = await sqlite.batch([ `create table if not exists accounts(person_id text unique, balance integer)`, { sql: `update accounts set balance = balance - :charge where person_id = 'Bob'`, args: { charge }, }, { sql: `update accounts set balance = balance + :charge where person_id = 'Alice'`, args: { charge }, },]);